Boston Globe: Consecration in Kenya widens a religious rift

“It is a division of opinion between those of us who firmly believe that homosexual practice violates the order of life given by God, and those who seek, by various means, to justify what Scripture does not,” said Archbishop Drexel W. Gomez of the West Indies, the main preacher at yesterday’s service. In his sermon, Gomez accused the Episcopal Church of “aggressive revisionist theology” and said the idea that homosexuality is permissible for Christians is “a lie.”

“[The apostle] Paul singles out homosexuality in the Gospel for special attention, because he regards it as providing a particularly graphic image of the way in which human fallenness distorts God’s created order,” Gomez said. “We believe that faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ prevents us from compromising the truth so clearly revealed in Holy Scripture.”

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Church of Kenya, Anglican Provinces, Episcopal Church (TEC), Same-sex blessings, Sexuality Debate (in Anglican Communion), TEC Conflicts

3 comments on “Boston Globe: Consecration in Kenya widens a religious rift

  1. dwstroudmd+ says:

    ECUSA/TEC’s actions had nothing to do with this! Nothing! You hear!
    It’s all the fault of them furriners! This from the city of the Tea Party! Thucydides was correct.

  2. RevK says:

    Great Headline! Sure, this widens the rift – in the same way that taking a couple of buckets of sand widens the Atlantic Ocean.

    In the overall scheme of things, this matters much less than the Diocese of Chicago nominating a lesbian for bishop – in direct violation of the declared moratorium on such things. As a Kenyan friend said to me about two years ago, “We have learned to not listen to what you say, but to watch what you do.” The rest of the Anglican Communion doesn’t trust the Episcopal Church and with good reason.

  3. HowieG says:

    This is a must “read all of it” article. Just have the antacid ready. It is obvious that the writter of the Globe piece has an agenda, which is nothing new for the Globe. Just a few comments.

    From the article: “Delivering a blistering rebuke to the Episcopal Church for its support of gay and lesbian rights, …” Notice how “rights” has replaced condemnation of a Biblically stated sin?

    Also from the article: “The service was attended by archbishops and bishops who claimed to represent a majority of the world’s Anglicans, including the primates who serve as spiritual leaders of the Anglican provinces in Central Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, West Africa, the Indian Ocean region, South America, and the West Indies, as well as an archbishop representing the primate of Nigeria and bishops representing minority conservative factions in the Anglican provinces of Canada, England and the United States….” The key word here is “claimed.” If the writer of the article would do some simple math, he would know that there is no claiming of anything. These Provinces represent the vast majority of the Anglican Communion’s membership.

    What is also amazing that the writer’s comments are contradicted by what he quotes from the Clergy. Go figure, but keep in mind that the Globe’s pro-homosexual agenda is most important, even if the facts get in the way.
